Tuesday, February 17, 2009

our weekend away

Paul and I had so much fun away. We were like a bunch of kids. We went out to a club for a bit and had fun there. Then i had a nice soak in the jacuzzi loved that being in the room.

They deliverd sweets and champange to us. It was awesome. Off to dinner we went to texas roadhouse. I had the prime rib and he the ribeye.. It was awesome. so tender and cooked just right. Might be my new fav. Back to the hotel we went. I had another soak. I forgot to mention before dinner we went to the hotel resturant and had kick ass coffee..made friends with the bar tender. he was great. We went to the bar for dessert. We shared ice cream in these cin/sugar bowl and it had carmel and chocolate syrup. Awesome. We had coffee. There was a nice guy behind us. He had waved. Apparently listened to us about not having kids. Next thing we know the guy was picking up our tab. It was awesome and i was touched.

Sunday night I went to kid rock with my mother and it rocked. endof story...
thankful fo rmy time away...