Saturday, November 1, 2008

just stuff....

I have been feeling a bit better the past few days. I would feel better when I have all mystuff in house ;0) i will get there right?

Life is busy. I am hoping work picks up soon. i could use the extra money. Pauls boss is being a jerk about the money. I am not happy about that. I am so not happy about that. the fact he is even less helpful drives me more nuts. He doesnt have a wife or kids to support so he doesnt understant that holding up Pauls money is more of a big deal.

so I have completed a few things off my bucket list......time to add a few more. this one i have to sit down and really think about it.

I have learned this week divorce of stupid people is really a good thing. I am thinking I may have to do the same to my mom until she gets her shit togeather. As much as i love her she is killing me. She just expects and it driving me nuts with it.

It is what it is right.....

off to the boys blog to blog about halloween...