Tuesday, December 30, 2008

good bye 2008

A day early but with all that will be going on tomorrow. i decided to ake the quite and write. I say good by 2008. This ohad to be one of the worst years of my life. We have had to say goodbye to so many things. It has been a test in our faith and family. I think we will be ok. I think things will have to look up from here on out. I am ready for it to be one and over with.

in 2009 I am committing to the following

- rememberin that it is ok to have me time
- to spend at least a half hour a day of quality uninterupted time with my children each day
- to remember to show my husband how much i adore and love him
-to continue my sliming down journey and exercise daily
-to keep things oraganized. this was a strenght until losing my dad and is now just plain driving me batt.
to maintain a proper budget

so there are my committments.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday