Sunday, March 8, 2009

how is it

That one person can get so far under your skin. They get you so worked up and yet at the same time you try and to have understanding of addiction.

I cant be that paient kind person towards danielle anymore. I see her no more than a freaken screw up addicted crack whore. I am sure she is no more than whore. How else do you support yourself without working or having public assistance. You whore yourself out.

Paul is stupid enough to believe that while his sister is back up her living with his mother that his mother should still have contact with the kids. I disagree. It is a bad idea becasue she is jeperodizing her own home. If i had the mean bone in my body that I so want to have I would call the leasing office myself. She knows she isnt to have danielle there yet she is there. Yet i dont because I know if she gets thrown out it will be her turning to us for a place to live. I am one to hand her a box. They are the bain of my exisitance. I have always told paul that they would be the reason I divorced him. He is an ass when it comes to them. I am one who can turn my back on family. Why because I dont need the drama and the toxic nature of them. I dont need it at all. Yet for some reason he is willing to allow it all in. I am waiting for him to put two and two togeather. He will the longer I hold out on wifely duties. I hate stupidity. I hate the craziness they put in my family and I am not willing to deal with it anymore.